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In case you have any issues with the registration system, please e-mail us at website [at] deepuncertainty dot org
Hi, I am interested in hearing more about this society. I am researching groundwater management, so decision making under deep uncertainty is perfect!
Hi Emma,
Not sure if I replied to you.
Did you fill in the form? And did you get a recent email from us?
kind regards
I was invited by Seerja Nairsn to join the google group, however the invite seems to have expired. I participated at the Wb conference earlier this year and await confirmation of membership
Dear Divya,
Not sure if I replied to you.
Did you fill in the form? And did you get a recent email from us?
kind regards
Hi, my name is Astrid Colquhoun. I am the Scenario Modeller for a team in Thames Water known as London 2100. We are tasked with long term strategic planning for waste water services for London with a 25 year and 80 year design horizon. This remit fits very well with the work that DMDU is doing and we are likely to send a number of delegates to your event in November 2017. We want to hold a ‘workshop’ for selected experts to generate a list of ‘generic solution options’ which will form the basis of our long term plan. We are looking for suitable facilitators who can bring a fresh approach of thinking to draw out ideas. Is this kind of service something DMDU would be able to provide?
Kind regards, Astrid Colquhoun
Dear Astrid,
could you send me your email adress?
I’m missing the form here to become a member. Please help me out!
Dear Erik,
you can find it here: http://www.deepuncertainty.org/join-us/
Hello, wouldlike to attend the DMDU Society training and workshops starting Monday. Can´t fínd information for registration or price. Please help, need to book travel today, Sunday 12.11.2017 please contact thiel@cinco-systems.de.
Dear Michael, general announcements will be made over e-mail and through this page when registration opens. If you would like to receive a personal notification, please notify us of your interest by e-mailing deepuncertainty-admin@googlegroups.com.
This is a question/suggestion: would DMDU consider topcis more explictly under natural resources domain e.g. mineral raw materials? As working in the field I feel that such initiatives could contribute greatly to the raw materials sector.
I have tried to join up as a member by it keeps failing. I’ll again later. I found out about You through MODSIM2017.
Dr Tom Remenyi, Climate Research Fellow, Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre.
Hi Tomas, can you send an email to me? marjolijn.haasnoot@deltares.nl