Using more realistic scenarios and assigning probabilities is not a robust basis for a climate risk assessment (Nature correspondence)

Recently, our DMDU members Judy Lawrence, Rob Lempert, and Marjolijn Haasnoot wrote a correspondence to Nature. Here we publish an extended version of this correspondence: Nature Correspondence From: Judy Lawrence[1], Marjolijn Haasnoot[2], Robert Lempert[3] The Nature Comment 29 January 2020 by Hausfather and Peters1 argues that the RCP8.5 emissions scenario…

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Water is a master variable: solving for resilience in the modern era (2019)

Frederick Boltz, N. LeRoy Poff, Carl Folke, Nancy Kete, Casey M. Brown, Sarah St. George Freeman, John H. Matthews, Alex Martinez, Johan Rockström, Water is a master variable: Solving for resilience in the modern era, Water Security, 8, 2019 DOI: Resilience is increasingly recognized as an imperative for any…

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Modeling with Stakeholders for Transformative Change (2019)

van Bruggen, A.; Nikolic, I.; Kwakkel, J. Modeling with Stakeholders for Transformative Change. Sustainability 2019, 11, 825. DOI: Coherent responses to important problems such as climate change require involving a multitude of stakeholders in a transformative process leading to development of policy pathways. The process of coming to an agreement…

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How to evaluate a monitoring system for adaptive policies: criteria for signposts selection and their model-based evaluation (2019)

Raso, L., Kwakkel, J., Timmermans, J. et al. How to evaluate a monitoring system for adaptive policies: criteria for signposts selection and their model-based evaluation. Climatic Change 153, 267–283 (2019). DOI: Adaptive policies have emerged as a valuable strategy for dealing with uncertainties by recognising the capacity of systems to adapt over time…

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Tensions, capabilities, and justice in climate change mitigation of fossil fuels (2019)

Nathan Wood and Katy Roelich (2019). Tensions, capabilities, and justice in climate change mitigation of fossil fuels, Energy Research & Social Science, 52, 114-122 DOI: In order to mitigate the well-being impacts of climate change effectively, we must reduce our use of fossil fuels. However, many contemporary forms of…

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Decision making under uncertainty in climate change mitigation: introducing multiple actor motivations, agency and influence (2019)

Katy Roelich & Jannik Giesekam (2019) Decision making under uncertainty in climate change mitigation: introducing multiple actor motivations, agency and influence, Climate Policy, 19:2, 175-188 DOI: Climate change mitigation has two main characteristics that interact to make it an extremely demanding challenge of governance: the complexity of the socio-technical systems that must be transformed…

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Design considerations for riverine floods in a changing climate – A review (2019)

B. François, K.E. Schlef, S. Wi, C.M. Brown, Design considerations for riverine floods in a changing climate–a review, J. Hydrol. (2019). DOI: ABSTRACT: Conventional methods for designing infrastructure that is subject to flood risk, such as dams and levees, assume a stationary design flood. However, observed and potential non-stationarity…

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Resilience of the Eastern African electricity sector to climate driven changes in hydropower generation (2019)

Sridharan, V., Broad, O., Shivakumar, A. et al. Resilience of the Eastern African electricity sector to climate driven changes in hydropower generation. Nat Commun 10, 302 (2019) DOI: ABSTRACT: Notwithstanding current heavy dependence on gas-fired electricity generation in the Eastern African Power Pool (EAPP), hydropower is expected to play an essential role in…

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A global multi-hazard risk analysis of road and railway infrastructure assets (2019)

Koks, E.E., Rozenberg, J., Zorn, C. et al. A global multi-hazard risk analysis of road and railway infrastructure assets. Nat Commun 10, 2677 (2019) DOI: ABSTRACT: Transport infrastructure is exposed to natural hazards all around the world. Here we present the first global estimates of multi-hazard exposure and risk to road and rail…

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Global modeling of nature’s contributions to people (2019)

Chaplin-Kramer, Rebecca, Richard P. Sharp, Charlotte Weil, Elena M. Bennett, Unai Pascual, Katie K. Arkema, Kate A. Brauman, et al. “Global Modeling of Nature’s Contributions to People.” Science 366, no. 6462 (2019): 255–58. DOI: ABSTRACT: The magnitude and pace of global change demand rapid assessment of nature and its…

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