The Open Access Book “Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty: From Theory to Practice” has been released by Springer (Click here to download). This open access book focuses on both the theory and practice associated with the tools and approaches for decisionmaking in the face of deep uncertainty. It explores approaches…
Geospatial Programmer Position at the World Bank
The World Bank Group’s capacity to collect, manage, analyze and distribute geospatial data is coordinated by the Geospatial Operational Support Team (GOST). GOST is looking for a qualified candidate to join the team as a Geospatial Programmer. This role requires a person with a combination of skills in geography, GIS,…
IEEE International Workshop on Resilience Engineering (IWRE) – Call for Papers
Website: The workshop will be co-located with the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (, in Sofia, Bulgaria, July 22-26, 2019. Resilience is rapidly spreading throughout domains traditionally studied by quality, reliability, and security researchers. It is widely recognized that progressively higher levels of resilience…
Researcher Position in Energy-Climate-Economic Modeling at CIRED
CIRED is looking to recruit a talented and motivated researcher to join its integrated assessment modeling team. The successful candidate will contribute to the team’s research on the energy-climate–economyinterface and will be in particular involved in a European H2020 project, titled “NAVIGATE”. This job offer has been reposted from a newsletter by…
DMDU Society 2018 Elections Results
The elections for the leadership of The Society for Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty for the term 2019-2020 have been held and the votes have been counted. There were 105 ballots cast and the following leaders have been elected: President Rob Lempert Vice-President Jan Kwakkel Communications and Outreach Pedro Nascimento…
DMDU Society 2018 Election
You will find below a link to the ballot for the 2018 election process, including the upcoming leadership team and minor changes in our rules and processes. Please follow the instructions provided on the e-mail sent to you to cast your vote.
Slate of Candidates and Proposed Rules Changes
You will find bellow the slate of candidates and proposed changes to the Rules and Processes. Please note that this list is preliminary and that the ballot will reflect the final slate of candidates.
2017 Membership Survey

You will find below our 2017 membership survey. Please, answer these questions, as your answers will help us to shape our next actions. The survey will be opened for answers until Oct 20th. Click on this link to answer the survey on a separate page.