The School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds invites applications for a postdoctoral research fellow in Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty You will participate in a six-year EPSRC-funded research project, Multi-Actor Adaptive Decision Making (MAADM). MAADM aims to understand how to make better decisions to transform infrastructure…
Robust Decision Making and Epoch-Era Analysis: A comparison of two model-based approaches for decision making under uncertainty (2020)
Moallemi, E.A., El Sawah, S., and Ryan, M.J. (2020) Robust Decision Making and Epoch-Era Analysis: A comparison of two model-based approaches for decision making under uncertainty. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. DOI: ABSTRACT: Several model-based frameworks have been introduced in support of robust decision-making. While they agree on a…
Structuring and evaluating decision support processes to enhance the robustness of complex human-natural systems (2020)
Moallemi, E.A., Zare, F., Reed, P.M., Elsawah, S., Ryan, M.J., and Bryan, B.A. (2020) Structuring and evaluating decision support processes to enhance the robustness of complex human–natural systems. Environmental Modelling & Software 123, 1045-51. DOI: ABSTRACT: Decision-making in the context of complex human–natural systems requires a transition towards robust model-based inferences…
Towards an alternative approach in finance to climate risks: taking uncertainties fully into account (2019)
Depoues, V., V.Bouchet, M.Cardona, M.Nicol. (2019). “For another approach to climate risk in finance, taking uncertainties fully into account”. Climate Report, I4CE. URL: It is no easy task to take climate risks – transition risks and physical risks – into account in financial management practices. As this note shows…
Cornell Reed Group Post Doctoral Positions
I have several post-doctoral research positions within my group here at Cornell and would appreciate if you would share the summary of positions below. For all of these openings, strong computational and mathematical skills are essential, with preference for programming experience in Python, Matlab, and C/C++. Successful candidates are expected…
Transportation infrastructures in a low carbon world: An evaluation of investment needs and their determinants (2019)
Fisch-Romito, Vivien, and Céline Guivarch. “Transportation Infrastructures in a Low Carbon World: An Evaluation of Investment Needs and Their Determinants.” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 72 (July 1, 2019): 203–19. infrastructures will either lock in transportation patterns in high CO2 modes or foster low-carbon pathways. At the…
Learning about climate change uncertainty enables flexible water infrastructure planning (2019)
Fletcher, S., Lickley, M., & Strzepek, K. (2019). Learning about climate change uncertainty enables flexible water infrastructure planning. Nature Communications, 10(1), 1782. Water resources planning requires decision-making about infrastructure development under uncertainty in future regional climate conditions. However, uncertainty in climate change projections will evolve over the 100-year lifetime…
ESRC STEPS Centre & Uncertainty: Upcoming Symposium and Latest Papers
In 2019 the ESRC STEPS Centre is producing a set of resources and events to challenge and explore the role that uncertainty plays in global development. Uncertainties can make it hard to plan ahead. But recognising them can help to reveal new questions and choices. What kinds of uncertainty are…
Testing the potential of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) with Colorado water managers (2019)
Rebecca Smith, Joseph Kasprzyk, Lisa Dilling, Testing the potential of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) with Colorado water managers, Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 117, 2019, Pages 149-163, ISSN 1364-8152, Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) generate quantitative information about performance relationships between a system’s potentially conflicting objectives (termed tradeoffs). Research applications have suggested…
Robust abatement pathways to tolerable climate futures require immediate global action (2019)
J. R. Lamontagne, P. M. Reed, G. Marangoni, K. Keller, and G. G. Garner. Robust abatement pathways to tolerable climate futures require immediate global action. Nature Climate Change, page 1, March 2019. ISSN 1758-6798. doi: 10.1038/s41558-019-0426-8. URL Disentangling the relative importance of climate change abatement policies from the human–Earth…