Bonham, N., Kasprzyk, J., Zagona, E., 2022. post-MORDM: Mapping policies to synthesize optimization and robustness results for decision-maker compromise. Environ. Model. Softw. 157, 105491. This paper introduces post-MORDM, a decision-support framework that augments Many Objective Robust Decision Making (MORDM). MORDM often creates an intractable number of environmental management policies,…
From optimal to robust climate strategies: expanding integrated assessment model ensembles to manage economic, social, and environmental objectives (2022)
Ferrari Luca, Angelo Carlino, Paolo Gazzotti, Massimo Tavoni, and Andrea Castelletti. 2022. “From Optimal to Robust Climate Strategies: Expanding Integrated Assessment Model Ensembles to Manage Economic, Social, and Environmental Objectives.” Environmental Research Letters. doi: Cost-benefit integrated assessment models generate welfare-maximizing mitigation pathways under a set of assumptions to…
Trade-off informed adaptive and robust real options water resources planning Planning water resource systems is challenged primarily by two realities. First, uncertainty is inherent in the predictions of future supplies and demands due for example to hydrological variability and climate change. To build societal resilience water planners should seek to enhance the adaptability and robustness of water resource system…
Diversifying models for analysing global change scenarios and sustainability pathways (2022)
E. A. Moallemi, L. Gao, S. Eker, B. Bryan, Diversifying models for analysing global change scenarios and sustainability pathways. Global Sustainability 5, 1-17 (2022). url: Non-technical summary: Models are increasingly used to inform the transformation of human–Earth systems towards a sustainable future, aligned with the sustainable development goals (SDGs)….
Decision Science Can Help Address the Challenges of Long-Term Planning in the Colorado River Basin (2022)
Rebecca Smith, Edith Zagona, Joseph Kasprzyk, Nathan Bonham, Elliot Alexander, Alan Butler, James Prairie, Carly Jerla “Deep uncertainty” is a term that describes planning contexts in which it is impossible to determine the likelihood of any given set of future conditions, there are conflicting performance objectives and priorities, and…
Visualizations for decision support in scenario-based multiobjective optimization
Shavazipour, Babooshka, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Kaisa Miettinen. “Visualizations for decision support in scenario-based multiobjective optimization.” Information Sciences 578 (2021): 1-21. Abstract We address challenges of decision problems when managers need to optimize several conflicting objectives simultaneously under uncertainty. We propose visualization tools to support the solution of such scenario-based multiobjective optimization…
New Article: Robust climate change adaptation for environmental flows in the Goulburn River, Australia Climate change presents severe risks for the implementation and success of environmental flows worldwide. Current environmental flow assessments tend to assume climate stationarity, so there is an urgent need for robust environmental flow programs that allow adaptation to changing flow regimes due to climate change. Designing and implementing robust…
Collaborative management of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam increases economic benefits and resilience (2021)
Collaborative management of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam increases economic benefits and resilience The landscape of water infrastructure in the Nile Basin is changing with the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Although this dam could improve electricity supply in Ethiopia and its neighbors, there is a lack…
Multi-scenario multi-objective robust optimization under deep uncertainty: A posteriori approach
Babooshka Shavazipour, Jan H. Kwakkel, Kaisa Miettinen,Multi-scenario multi-objective robust optimization under deep uncertainty: A posteriori approach,Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 144, 2021, 105134, Abstract: This paper proposes a novel optimization approach for multi-scenario multi-objective robust decision making, as well as an alternative way for scenario discovery and identifying vulnerable…
Warren Walker, Delft University of Technology DMDU GOES MAINSTREAM (McKINSEY) Warren Walker (Delft University of Technology) and Vincent Marchau (Radboud University) In November, 2020, McKinsey & Co. published an article entitled “When nothing is normal: Managing in extreme uncertainty”[1]. It makes many recommendations for private companies that DMDU’ers have been…