Election Results 2023

Thank you to all our members who cast their vote in our recent election! The new Society Leadership for the next two years will be: President: Jan Kwakkel (TU Delft) Vice President: Julie Rozenberg (World Bank) Communications & Outreach Chair: Antonia Hadjimichael (Penn State University) Education & Training Chair: Edmundo Molina-Perez (Tecnológico de…

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Assistant Professor in Climate Risk and Decision-Making – Penn State University

The Department of Geosciences, the Institute for Energy and the Environment, and the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute of the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania invite applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Climate Risk and Decision-Making at the Assistant Professor level. For this position, we seek a colleague…

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Associate or Full Tenure-Line Professor, Environmental Politics, Governance, and Policy – Josef Korbel School of International Studies (University of Denver)

We seek a scholar with a prominent research profile in the fields of environmental governance, political economy, or policy for an appointment at the associate or full professor rank, with tenure. The successful candidate will have a broad vision of environmental issues, will contribute to teaching in both our undergraduate…

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Senior Economist – World Bank

The World Bank is hiring a Senior Economist in the Latin America and Caribbean team, to lead analytical thinking and innovation in the area of environment and natural resource economics. This will include remaining current on the latest developments in the field and translating the latest knowledge into operationally relevant…

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Two Postdoc Positions in Climate Risk Management – Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College

Two full-time postdoc positions are available at the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College to join the Keller research group. The successful candidates will become part of a transdisciplinary research group in the area of climate risk management. The research group addresses two interrelated questions. First, how can we mechanistically…

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