The Society meets annually at intimate workshops that seek to support the growing community of practice with opportunities to share research and applications, discuss methodologies, explore new challenges, and welcome new members.

Previous Meetings:

2017 Annual Meeting

Oxford Martin School in Oxford, UK
November 13-15, 2016 (training on 13th)

Please save the date for the 2017 DMDU Workshop. The workshop will be hosted by the Oxford Martin School in Oxford, UK, on 14-15 November 2017, with a training on DMDU methodologies scheduled for 13 November 2017. For more information on the workshop, visit the special website

The 2017 workshop theme is dealing with deep uncertainty in decision making across multiple scales.
The workshop will tackle the challenges of decision making at many different scales, from the perspective of deep uncertainty. The theme of multiple scales embraces spatial scales, temporal scales and scales of governance.

If you intend to take part in the 2017 DMDU workshop and/or training day please register your interest here. You will be notified when registration opens.

Abstract submission
You may submit an abstract to be considered for oral and/or poster presentation here. You may also propose to present a tool or model that is relevant to DMDU in the showcase session.

Key dates:
31 May: Deadline for submission of oral and poster presentation proposals
23 June: Successful presenters will be notified
31 August: Discussion session panelists, logistics, and workshop content will be confirmed
13 November: DMDU training day
14-15 November: 2017 DMDU workshop


Materials from the 2017 meeting are available here.

2016 Annual Meeting

World Bank in Washington, D.C.
November 16-17, 2016 (training on 15th)

The World Bank will host the 2016 workshop in Washington DC, on November 16 and 17, 2016, with a training on DMDU methodologies scheduled for November 15th, 2016.

Workshop Format:

During the first three workshops, the society’s members have been getting to know each other and each other’s work. Over this time, demand for DMDU work has grown rapidly, and we have discovered common theoretical and practical challenges to applying our methods and meeting those demands. Many of these challenges are not unique to DMU, but apply to other policy and decision analysis methods as well. This year’s workshop seeks to address those challenges and to bring in new perspectives from related fields. We believe that by brainstorming together on the problems we face, our community will grow stronger and our work will be even more equipped to respond to today’s difficult planning problems.
This year will have a different workshop format. We will hold problem-solving discussion sessions in which 2-4 panelists will lead a discussion with workshop participants to discuss challenges that our community faces and ways to solve them.  These sessions will take the place of traditional plenary talks.  Additionally we will organize poster sessions during the workshop breaks to hear from participants about their latest work.

The preliminary programme is now available. Click here to see the programme

The 2016 DMDU Workshop Program Committee,

Laura Bonzanigo, Young Professional, World Bank; Julie Rozenberg, Economist, World Bank; Laurna Kaatz, Climate Adaptation Program Manager,  Denver Water;  Nidhi Kalra, Senior Information Scientist, RAND

2015 Annual Meeting

Deltares and TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands
November 3-5, 2015

The 3rd Annual Workshop will be held in Delft, the Netherlands on 3-4 November 2015. The theme of this year’s workshop is “From Theory to Practice – Implementing Deep Uncertainty Methods and Tools.” The workshop is hosted by Deltares, Delft University of Technology, and UNESCO-IHE. Visit the 2015 workshop website. A blog with a report of the meeting can be found here. A video report can be found here.

Wordle of titles in the program.

2014 Annual Meeting

RAND, Santa Monica, California
November 18-19, 2014

The 2nd Annual Workshop was hosted by the RAND Corporation in Santa Monica, California  on November 18 and 19, 2014. The theme  was “Engaging Practitioners.” The formation of the Society was a key outcome of this meeting.  Visit the 2014 workshop website.

Photos from the 2014 meeting:

2013 Inaugural Meeting

World Bank in Washington, D.C.
November 5-6, 2013

The World Bank’s Office of the Chief Economist held the first meeting on decision making under deep uncertainty. It invited 40 of the top researchers in this field to share work and explore opportunities for building a community of practice.

Photos from the 2013 meeting:

2 thoughts on “Meetings

  1. Friday Odeh OVBIRORO Reply

    DMDU is great. pls always notify me all your annual meetings and other seminars and workshops.
    thank you

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