DMDU Summer School 2025

Dates: July 21 – 25, 2025

Location: Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Hosts: The DMDU Society and Utrecht University

Application Deadline: April 21st, 2025

Program overview

Offered in collaboration with the Society for Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty (, the purpose of the DMDU summer school is to bring together graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, practitioners, and faculty for 1 week of intensive study and interdisciplinary training in DMDU.

The summer school is structured around three tracks:

Methods: courses focused on tools and methods used un DMDU research and work, this year offerings include:

Policy: courses focused on the applications of DMDU in various fields. This year will specifically focus on applications of DMDU in Africa and developing economies

  • DMDU applications to Water Policy (3 hrs). Instructor: TBD
  • DMDU applications to Climate Mitigation Policy (3 hrs). Instructor: TBD
  • DMDU applications to Energy (3 hrs). Instructor: TBD

Foundational: courses focused on understanding the theoretical foundations of the society’s work.

The target cohort size for the summer school is 40 students. Past and new participants are welcome to apply. This year, each student will be able to configure their own training week. If you are new to the summer school, you are recommended to take the foundational courses and then choose the rest of the courses from among the elective offerings in the Policy and Methods tracks. If you have participated in DMDU summer school in the past and are interested in taking a new class you have not taken before, you are welcome to join us.

If you are interested in participating, please submit your application using the following link:

The deadline for applications for the summer school is April 21st , 2025.

To partially cover summer school expenses, there is a registration fee of 350 USD. However, if you are a student (undergrad, postgraduate) or if you are a national from a developing country, then you can register with a reduced fee of 150 USD. Developing Country participants are determined by the World Bank Country and Lending Groups ( The reduced fee applies to Low-Income Economies/Low-Middle Income Economies only.

The leadership of the DMDU Society has secured lodging and travel expenses support for a limited number of accepted participants . Support will be determined based on the quality of the participants’ applications and the desired structure of the cohort. If you wish to be considered for financial support, please indicate that in your application.

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