We recently announced a series of office hours as part of a virtual career mentoring program. The office hour for the month of November will be with Dr. Julie Rozenberg.
More information below:
November 22nd 7am PT/10am ET/4pm CET – Julie Rozenberg
Julie Rozenberg is a Senior Economist at the World Bank, where she has worked for the past 7 years. She currently develops country-level strategies on climate change adaptation and mitigation. In previous positions, she contributed to World Bank flagship reports on climate change (“Shockwaves”, “Decarbonizing Development”, “The Adaptation Principles”) and co-led two major reports on infrastructure: “Beyond the Gap: how countries can afford the infrastructure they need while protecting the planet” and “Lifelines: the resilient infrastructure opportunity”. Her research focuses on the application of DMDU methods for economic modeling. Julie Rozenberg holds an engineering degree and a PhD in economics.
To join Julie’s office hour, please register at the following link: https://cornell.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwlcuGvrTovEtNUi3kN2w8PIkV-L-fZWbOt