Survey on DMDU Education & Training

We would like to get your feedback about your interest in and availability of DMDU education and training opportunities. Please fill in this short questionnaire On behalf of the Society let me thank you for your generosity with your time and willingness to participate. Steven W. Popper Chair, Education and Training

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Potential surprise theory as a theoretical foundation for scenario planning (2016)

Derbyshire, J. (2016) Potential surprise theory as a theoretical foundation for scenario planning, Technological Forecasting & Social Change (in press), June 2016, Despite some recent progress, scenario planning’s development as an academic discipline remains constrained by the perception it is solely a practical tool for thinking about the future,…

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Annual Workshop

Registration for our annual workshop in Washington DC (November 16-17) is now closed. This year’s workshop is organized around two key elements. First, the workshop will include 6 “problem-solving” sessions during which we will have group discussions around practical problems our Society members face in their work, and possible solutions. These will…

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