EPSRC, ESRC, AHRC and NERC are leading on behalf of all research councils a workshop which aims to initiate the building of a cross cutting multidisciplinary community focussed on decision making under uncertainty. The workshop will involve presentations by a number of key speakers in this area and will provide further information in regards to the aspirations for the network.
The research councils anticipate that a call for networks in this area will go live shortly. The purpose of this call will be to develop and build widespread linkages between disciplines related to decision making under uncertainty and to grow a multi-disciplinary community in this space. The network(s) will be expected to work with user organisations to analyse real world systems and identify where multi-disciplinary research can develop new approaches to improve decision making under uncertainty.
For more information about decision making under uncertainty, please refer to the scoping reports from the following events;EPSRC-led ‘Defining a research strategy for uncertainty‘ roundtable (September 2015), the RCUK Risk workshop (March 2015), the Dstl-sponsored “Calculating and Communicating Uncertainty” conference (January 2015), the EPSRC Maths for Public Policy series of events (2014/2015), the Government Chief Scientific Advisor’s report “Innovation: Managing Risk, Not Avoiding it” (2014) and Imperial College-led “Decision Making Under Risk and Uncertainty” workshop.
Examples of disciplines we are seeking to engage include Applied Mathematics, Engineering, Operational Research, Economics, Finance, Environmental Science, Management Science, Arts and Humanities, Political Science, Computer Science, Psychology, Risk, Medical Informatics, Statistics and Applied Probability, Data Science and Information Science.
Examples of topics that we would expect to be addressed include algorithms, data science, decision making, sensors, forecasting, risk management, financial regulation, consumer behaviour, heuristics, macroeconomic modelling, multi-scale/multiphysics modelling, engineering design, visualisation, large scale manufacturing, climate change, energy challenges and natural hazards.
Please register to attend using the form below and ensure that you provide your contact details alongside a key challenge area you are interested in discussing in order to facilitate networking at the event.
We will endeavour to have representation at this event from a breadth of disciplines, institutes and organisations. Therefore, places at the event may be limited. However, attendance at the event is not compulsory in order to be involved in any future network.
The deadline for submitting expressions of interest to attend this event is Friday 06 May at 17:00.
More information can be found here.